INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Power
Here is my INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Power review! I posted a commentary video on my YouTube after doing this workout a few days ago. You...

INSANITY Max 30: Pulse
Here is my INSANITY Max 30: Pulse Review! This one is about ‘maxing out form’ and getting ready for the next workouts. It is not insane...

INSANITY Max 30: Sweat Intervals
So, I posted a video Facebook yesterday - I took it immediately following the cool down. You can check it out here. Nevertheless, here...

INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Strength
It is the second day I have done Max 30, so here we go!! Here is my INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Strength review! Total Time: 30 minutes (plus...

INSANITY MAX 30: Cardio Challenge
Here we go! It is time for me to start my reviews of INSANITY Max 30! Are you excited? I am excited. Welcome back to SHAUN T baby! I...

Body Beast: Beast Cardio / Beast Abs
My alarm went off this morning - I woke up, - decided I was too sore to move - and laid in bed for about 20 minutes. I finally rolled out...

Focus T25: Gamma The Pyramid
The forth and final disc in the Focus T25 Gamma group is The Pyramid. I went at this one blindly (did not pre-screen it) and was slightly...

Focus T25: Gamma Extreme Circuit
Today’s review is on Focus T25 Gamma: Extreme Circuit, the third disc in the four disc program! Length: 25 minutes unless you count the...

Focus T25: Gamma Rip't Up
Next up in the Focus T25 Gamma round is Rip’t Up! Let’s hop to it! Er, well, let’s curl to it. By the way - anything named ‘Rip’t Up’...

Focus T25: Gamma Speed 3.0
I received Focus T25 Gamma from a friend for my birthday a little over a month ago and I decided it was time to give it a try since I...