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Focus T25: Gamma Speed 3.0

I received Focus T25 Gamma from a friend for my birthday a little over a month ago and I decided it was time to give it a try since I have done Alpha and Beta. :)

This is how it comes packaged:

Upon opening it, there are two calendars inside. One is ‘PURE GAMMA’ and the other is a 'PURE STRENGTH HYBRID’.

It further opens accordion style and is not in the order you would imagine it to be in:

You are also given a paper calendar like you are with Alpha and Beta.

So, here we go! This morning, I did Focus T25: Gamma Speed 3.0!

  • Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T kablam intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really 30 minutes.

  • Equipment needed: ‘Nada’

This workout is a lot like Alpha: Speed 1.0 and Beta Speed 2.0 but it is faster and a little more ridiculous. I would like to nickname this 'BURPEE MADNESS’.

Things are green, the music is faster, and things are about to get insane. Since you basically repeat two groups of moves several times I am going to give you photos from each round of the DVD and then myself for each round.

As always, you can follow Tania for modified moves. I apologize that my neon yellow shirt blends in with my workout room walls…

Round 1/Level 1:

  • Out + Out Turn - this should seem familiar.

  • 180 degrees Quick Feet Up + Back - I had to work hard not to rip the carpet out with this move.

  • 1-2-3 “T” - Just like the Heisman move from INSANITY.

  • Moving Quick Jab

  • Hop Hop Turn - SUPER fast.

  • Push-Up + In + Out Abs - and the floor work begins…

  • Jab + Power Lunge

  • Squat Hop + Crisscross

  • Burpee + Plank Walk - Ahhhhhhhhh burpees!

  • Plie Jab

THEN, you do it again but you move a little faster. He says, “I promise you can do it’.

Well, if Shaun says so…

20:21 minute marker: Round 1/Level 2:

  • Out + Out Turn

  • 180 degrees Quick Feet Up + Back

  • 1-2-3 "T”

  • Moving Quick Jab

  • Hop Hop Turn

  • Push-Up + In + Out Abs

  • Jab + Power Lunge

  • Squat Hop + Crisscross

  • Burpee + Plank Walk

  • Plie Jab

17:09 minute marker: Round 1/Level 3

You do all the moves again but the moves go even faster! I am basically sweating into my eye balls at this point.

15:32 minute marker: Round 2/Level 1:

  • “T” Drop + Alt. Knee In

  • Burpee + Spider Lunge

  • Jab + Squat Thrust

  • Burpee + Push-Up Jack - INSANITY move!

  • Speed Knee + Up + Over

  • Burpee + Ski Abs - INSANITY move again!

  • 2 + 2 Power Knee - Another INSANITY move!

  • Burpee + Pike-Up - What is he doing to me?

  • Power Squat + Jog Back

  • Burpee + Front Kick

Then, you do it all again but faster…

10:35 minute marker: Round 2/Level 2:

  • “T” Drop + Alt. Knee In

  • Burpee + Spider Lunge

  • Jab + Squat Thrust - I am pretty excited at my bicep and tricep progress here (thanks to Body Beast and lifting)! Those quads - I’ve always worked for.. :)

  • Burpee + Push-Up Jack

  • Speed Knee + Up + Over

  • Burpee + Ski Abs

  • 2 + 2 Power Knee

  • Burpee + Pike-Up

  • Power Squat + Jog Back

  • Burpee + Front Kick

7:22 minute marker: Round 2/Level 3:

You do the moves again, but even quicker and I am sweating all over the place. I probably sweat on the wall.

5:46 minute marker: Jog Recovery

This 'recovery’ turns into a catch your breath, grab a drink, high five your friends kind of time. :) …even though Shaun T tell you not to do that.

5:06 minute marker: From Top/Level 1:

You do each move for 8 counts twice…

…and try not to fall over in madness.

1:55 minute marker: Jog Recovery

1:36 minute marker: From Top/Level 2:

You do each move once.

THEN, this happens:


Cool down/Active stretching (2:25 minutes):

  • Alternating knee lifts

  • Hold knee lifts

  • Alternating quad stretch

  • Hold quad stretch

  • Alternating prayer stretch

  • Hold prayer stretch

  • Round release back

  • Arms to ground - roll up slowly

Final thoughts:

  • Holy moly - that was fast. My hair was falling out of the pony tail holder I had in (and four bobby pins) but I had no time to fix it because the workout was going so fast.

  • I did not preview this workout beforehand so it was a surprise. The time went fast since I was so busy focusing on the moves - so that’s a plus.

  • Scott is in the video - like the rest of them. :)

  • It still amazes me how Shaun T can speak the moves in a sing-song manner that matches the music and the beat. This guy is nuts. I am pretty sure his voice is the music as well.

  • I burned over 360 calories during this workout. Notice my before and after photo? It kicked my butt but I never stopped or pressed pause. :)

  • This is a great cardio workout. If you love burpees, you’ll love this workout. If you hate them - do it anyways. :)

  • Oh, by the way, Yoga Taco anyone?



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