Focus T25: Gamma Rip't Up
Next up in the Focus T25 Gamma round is Rip’t Up!
Let’s hop to it! Er, well, let’s curl to it. By the way - anything named ‘Rip’t Up’ is pretty scary, right?

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T kablam intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: Dumbbells or Resistance Bands, miniMAT (optional), chin-up bar (optional)
This reminded me of Beta: Rip’t Circuit (obviously) but is more intense. As always, follow Tania for the modified movies.
You can use any size dumbbell you want but I recommend 8-15 pounds. I used 12 pound dumbbells and, in some instances, 8 pounds.
First, you warm up:
Split Lunge Agility

Low Switch Kick
Double Switch Kick

High Switch Kick

Static Uppercut
Jack Uppercut

If you can’t tell already - I love the uppercuts….and I’m sweating.
22:10 minute marker: weights
Wide Row - this is where you can choose dumbbells or the chin-up bar.

Single Arm Row (L)
Single Arm Row (R)

Straight Arm Fly - use light weights or the chin-up bar.

Lat Pulldown
Recip. Hammer Curl

Tricep Kickback Palms Up - 12 pounds is a LITTLE too heavy here.

Tricep Kickback Palms Down - and here.
Recip. Wide Curl

Single Leg (L) Shoulder Press - ignore my mother in the mirror :)

Single Leg (R) Shoulder Press

17:13 minute marker: fast floor to arm work
4-Count Push-Up - my daughter is sweeping underneath me. These are so slow I did some on my knees.

Upright Row

2-Count Push-Ups

90 Degree Shimmy Up - OH MY GOSH?!

90 Degree Shoulder Shrug - these people are dyin’. As am I… but my daughter is sweeping the walls, don’t worry.

Basic Shoulder Shrug - LOVE the shrugs.

Standing Rocketman
Recip. Lawnmower

Deadlift + Knee Raise (L) - Shaun’s loving’ the deadlifts - GOOD!
Deadlift + Knee Raise (R))
Deadlift + Shoulder Shrug - GO TRI GO!

11:45 minute marker: to the ground
Recip. Push Press

Dual Push Press + Knees 90 Degrees - talk about one way to make sure you keep you kegs up…

Recip. Push Press + 6" Hold - my daughter decided to make these even harder on me during the photos.
Dual Push Press + Scissor Legs - by this time I have said a few chosen cuss words.

9:35 minute maker: Down Dog work
Down Dog + Plank

Down Dog + Alt. Leg Plank
Down Dog + Alt. Leg Push-Up - I was laughing in absurdity during this because I was so worn out. I took a few breaths on my knees.

Down Dog + Oblique Push-Up
7:44 minute marker: standing cardio work
High Hook - my daughter is apparently getting taller and figured out she can’t just walk through my legs anymore.
Low Hook + Squat Hold
Low Jack Uppercut
Crossdown Punch Jack

5:42 minute marker: down to the mat
Superman Pulse
Rocketman Pulse - light weights
4:45 minute marker: GET UP
Single Leg Dual Curl (L)

Single Leg Dual Curl (R)

Single Leg (L) Tricep Press - 12 pounds may be a little too heavy here, again.
Single Leg ® Tricep Press

Arm Push-Up Jack
Arm Jack + Knee In - the guys are hollering.
4-Count Curl Press (L) - welp, try not to fall over! These take forever.
4-Count Curl Press (R)

2-Count Curl Press (L)

2-Count Curl Press (R)
Then, this happens!!!
I feel like this girl (who about fell over once or twice).

Cool down/Active stretching (3:20 minutes):
These stretches are vey welcomed after what just happened to my arms.
Hands interlocked overhead - stretch to each side
Hands interlocks - to front
Tricep stretch each arm (behind back)
Arm circles
Interlock fingers - palms out - stretch out back

Tricep stretch (across chest)
Bicep stretch
Interlock fingers behind back - push knuckles to floor
Hands behind head - stretch neck
Hand on head - stretch neck to sides
Inhale - exhale
Final Thoughts:
Well that was fun - my arms want to fall off. The photo sesh’ was taken later in the day and I broke a huge sweat during it.
Scott (Shaun’s hubby) is in this video as well. He is in them all and he is always working extremely hard and sweating about as much as I do. :) He continually has to run between the chin-up bar and his mat/dumbbells. He’s impressive.

I did Body Beast Bulk: Chest beforehand (burned 246 calories) which was not the smartest idea. My arms were toast. I am excited to do this Focus workout when my arms are fresh. In about 32 minutes, I burned around 310 calories.

It is fantastic to see Shaun T incorporating weights into his DVD videos. Everyone should do resistance training and this is a good combination of cardio and weights.
Here are some cute photos from the shoot: :)!
