INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Power
Here is my INSANITY Max 30: Tabata Power review! I posted a commentary video on my YouTube after doing this workout a few days ago. You can find it here.
Total Time: 30 minutes (plus 2 minutes for the cool down) Equipment: none (‘Your body is your equipment.’)

This warm-up is just like Tabata Strength so it should seem familiar.
Straight Arm Jack - feet go out as your arms go up and then feet come together as your elbows come down.

Scissor Chest Opener - feet scissor (front and back) as your arms open and close. 'Open up the chest, cuz you’re gonna use it’.

Lateral Lunges - lunge side to side with a flat back and touching the floor (second time through). This is easy - I got this.

Downdog Spider - Downward Dog and then into a spider lunge, Downward Dog, spider the other leg. Repeat.

Repeat it all again!
Then, you get a water break and a pep talk from Shaun T. You are going to do '20 seconds on and 10 seconds off’. So, I was thinking, if this is anything like Tabata Strength, then I’m in for a world of hurt.

Tabata 1:
Burpee Lunge + Alternate Leg - do a burpee and lunge with the right leg forward, burpee, lunge with leg leg forward.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Burpee Lunge + Alternate Leg

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Plyo Lunge Jump Left - with the left leg back, you jump up and back down. Use your arms to jump up. Repeat.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Plyo Lunge Jump Right - with the right leg back, you jump up and back down. Repeat.
Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Split Lunge Punch - with the right leg back , you alternate lunging legs forward while punching the alternate arm.
Name of the game - don’t fall over and try to look cool.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Split Lunge Punch - with the left leg back , you alternate lunging legs forward while punching the alternate arm.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Back Lunge Kick Right Leg - step back into a lunge and then kick the right leg forward, repeat on the same leg.
Ah yes, my quads are burning.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Back Lunge Kick Left Leg - step back into a lunge and then kick the left leg forward, repeat on the same leg.

'Woo Shaun T gotta use his abs. Yeah, I like talkin’ in third person - you got a problem with that?’
No, I do not.
Jog It Out (10 seconds)
WATER BREAK! This time, I think I actually had time to put water in my mouth.

Yes, that is Dora in the background on TV:

Tabata 2:
Moving Plyo Push-up - you do a push-up and then pop up into the air while moving laterally - do another push-up - pop up the other way. Repeat.
It sounds and looks a lot harder than it is. Trust me - I did these the entire time. Then again, I may have been running on sheer madness.

Child’s Pose (10 seconds) - this is more like sit around shaking your head in madness. However, here is a correct one for reference:

Moving Plyo Push-up
Oh my goodness, my hair is looking like Dora’s.

Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Push-up Pop-Up - in a push-up position - you press up and your hands and feet pop off the floor. Repeat - no moving laterally.
Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Push-up Pop-Up
Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Maxing out going on:

Push-Up Row - do a tricep pushup and then row your elbow up into the sky. Alternate arms.

Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Push-Up Row

Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Knee Push-Up Row - do the push-up row with your knees down. Thank goodness, because your arms will be ready for knees down.

Child’s Pose (10 seconds)
Knee Push-Up Row
Child’s Pose (10 seconds)

Now that your arms are smashed, it is time for the legs…
Tabata 3:
Fast Power Jumps - jump the knees up to your hands.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Fast Power Jumps
Ugh these power jumps. Jerks.
Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Slow Power Jump - say what? Okay, do the power jumps slowly and when Shaun T yells 'go’!

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Slow Power Jump
Jog It Out (10 seconds)
High Jumps - starting in a squat - reach up with the arms and jump as high as you can.

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
High Jumps - faster this time.
Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Squat Knee Up - squat and then bring your right knee up to your hands (while keeping that core tight).

Jog It Out (10 seconds)
Squat Knee Up

WATER BREAK! More like - try not to let your legs turn into jello for a few seconds. I WAS SO TIRED OF JUMPING.
Shaun T steals Cynthia’s water and says, 'I have germs but I’m not sick’.
She made a joke about getting the power - but I think most of us were confused.

Tabata 4:
Time to work the core.
Switch Kick Abs - alternate legs up and arms punching directly up. Flex the feet and keep your back on the floor.

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds) - for the record - this is more of a lay around for a few seconds breathing. Shaun T uses it as time to take his shirt off. My daughter sees it as time to climb in my lap:
Switch Kick Abs

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Switch Kick Abs Right Leg - the right leg goes up and down as you punch the opposite arm.

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Switch Kick Abs Left Leg
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Oh, she’s about in the lap.
Scissor Abs - hands behind the head and feet scissor up and down. Push the lower back into the floor.

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Scissor Abs
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
“L” Hold Right - with the hands behind the head you hold the leg up in the air, push your lower back into the floor, and keep the other leg off the ground.
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
“L” Hold Left

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)

Time to bust your triceps apart…
Tabata 5:
Tricep Dip Reach - do a tricep dip (keep the elbows up and hips up) and then reach the opposite arm to the opposite leg that you straighten.

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds) - also known as sitting here:

Tricep Dip Reach
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Single-Leg Tricep Dip Right - keep the right leg up and do the tricep dips.

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Single-Leg Tricep Dip Left
I was trying to avoid little three year old kisses but I failed. She nailed it - here’s to spreading our illness!

C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Speed Tricep Dip - both feet down and do the tricep dips fast.

'We don’t lift weights in INSANITY Max: 30, we lift us.’
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Speed Tricep Dip
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
4-Count Tricep Dip - down for four seconds and up for four seconds.
AHHHHHHH. Luckily this does not last too long.

4-Count Tricep Dip
C-Sit Hold (10 seconds)
Then, he says, 'Stretch it out, do whatever you need to do, find your life for a second and then grab some water.’ THERE IT IS. FIND YOUR LIFE! It is more like - make sure your arms are still connected.
Water BREAK!
Tabata 6 (time to max out the moves you have done):
Split Lunge Punch - fast.
Push-Up Row
Montague pep talk:

Switch Kick Abs
Speed Tricep Dip
Another pep talk:

This is cruel. I may have spaced out and just ate the pain because I kept going until the end.

Cool Down:
This is two minutes of jogging it out, bouncing around, butt kicks, side to side lunges, reaching to the ground, reaching to the left and right ankles, and legs together while touching the ground and bending and straightening the knees.

My Final Thoughts:
Danielle is your modifier:
I like Melissa, she works hard:

Except, during the core work, she feels like I did:

Garmin Connect indicates that I burned around 284 calories:

You can find my commentary after doing the workout here!
There was not a time I 'maxed out’, unless you could putting my leg(s) down during the core work a few times. I would count that. Okay - core worked maxed me out.
My daughter and I are still getting over flu/strep and have been eating a lot of popsicles. I did not do this workout while sick - this was done several days ago. :)

Like Tabata Strength, this is great cardio for the entire body - except this has a focus on the quads, triceps and core. If you want to burn out your lower body and triceps with your own body resistance, this is the one! At least you get 10 second rests between 20 second moves.