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Focus T25: Alpha Total Body Circuit

So - I am super sore from my shoulders down to my ankles as a result of starting Focus T25 and doubling it up with my already in progress Body Beast. Nevertheless, I carry on. You will see me shift a day or two around here soon because I have a 5K on July 4th.


Focus T25: Alpha Total Body Circuit. (This is on the same disc as Speed 1.0 which threw me off for a…little while…)

  • Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T dance music intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really 30 minutes. Either way - you got time for dis!

  • Equipment needed: ‘Nada’

Remember how I told you Cardio and Speed 1.0 did not have a lot of floor work? Well - it’s time. Like the previous two - you can follow Tania for the modified/less intense moves.

Things are about to get ridiculous.

Warm up:

  • Alternating knee lift

  • Lift on toes -cute hubby Scott! I feel like I need some cooler shoes…or more shoes. Shaun has a lot of shoes.

  • Slow control jog

  • High knee jog

‘This is a full body workout. Now, your focus is gonna be on a lot of things. I just need you to focus and pay attention. Think about it - it’s only 25 minutes of your day and I’m asking you to give me everything you’ve got.’

Okay, I’ve got this. So far. I am pretty sure Shaun t is helping me learn to run correctly (heel up).

22:55 minute marker

  • Hop hop turn - I remember this one.

  • Jump rope run (keep core tight)

'We’re not just jumping rope. We’re jumping with a purpose’.

  • Hop hop hook

  • Hop hook squat

ONLY FOUR MINUTES HAVE PASSED? It is hard to move as fast as them! My prime motive is to not fall over at this point.

21:00 minute marker

  • Shoulder tap (L)

  • Shoulder tap (R)

My daughter got sneaky while I was trying to take these photos and decided I was a bridge. See her progression?

  • Left-right push-up - this reminds me of the Asylum 2 warm-up! I am starting to feel extremely worn out. So is Scott - look at him. I feel ya man.

  • Tap push-up - I think I fell to my knees once or twice out of exhaustion during this move.

18:51 minute marker

  • Alternating front lunge

  • Front lunge + squat

  • Front lunge + 2x squat

  • Lunge squat progression

16:55 minute marker

  • 2 + 2 jabs

  • 2 + 2 rotating jab - The hardest thing is keeping up with the tempo. These are fast or I am tired.

  • 2 + 2 in + out jab

  • 2 + 2 moving jab

'Now what are you punching for? There’s a purpose behind this - there’s a focus behind this. Okay? Try to stay in control of your body.’

Oh Shaun. I’m punching with a purpose.

15:00 minute marker:

  • Plank hold

  • Plank walk

'You wanna act as if you have a glass of water on your back and you wanna try to eliminate the spillage’.

  • Plank walk + in + out abs

  • Plank walk + squat hold

13:05 minute marker

  • Sprint it out

  • Power squat

'That ’T’ stands for Shaun T but it also stands for 'time’. Twenty-five minutes of time.’

I am a bridge again. Look at that little troll!

  • Sprint + power squat

  • Sprint turn + squat center

11:00 minute mark

  • Walk feet in + out

  • 3 hops in + out - he pretends to have a string above Scott’s hips to show you how they should raise

  • 2 hops in + out

  • Pike-up - he picks on blonde girl and practically pulls her hips up. I tried to get my hips as high as I could but I was getting worn out. Where is Shaun T when you need him? :)

9:30 minute marker

  • Left side squat

  • 180 degrees hop squat

  • 180 degrees squat + touch floor

  • 180 degree squat + burpee

The blonde girl is so red in the face…. it’s understandable. These are ridiculous.

7:22 minute marker

  • Alternating spider lunge

  • Spider lunge + push-up

'Bigger range of motion means bigger results.’

  • Spider push-up

Look at all this sweat. These people are struggling. I am spitting sweat.

  • Oblique knee push-up - all the cast members are hollering in pain.

Burnout 1: 5:20 minute marker (so I am already dying… then we have to do this business)

  • Tap push-up

  • Lunge squat progression

  • 2 + 2 moving jabs

  • Plank walk + squat hold

  • Sprint turn + squat center

  • Pike-up

  • 180 degrees squat + burpee

  • Oblique knee push-up

  • Floor sprints

1:00 minute marker

  • Body run

'Nail this workout. NAIL IT! This is the hardest I’m gonna be on you in the week. Okay? This is your foundation.’

Then, this happens:


Cool down/Active stretching (3:15 minutes):

  • Inhale arms up, exhale arms down

  • Shoulder/back stretch

  • Quad stretches

Talk about balance….

  • Fingers interlocked above head - stretching to sides

  • Flat back + arms out + touch floor

My daughter thought she would try stretching with me. :)

Final Thoughts:

  • Yes, this is Spiderman training. The spider moves are familiar from Asylum (one of his other programs) so I had a leg up (hahah, get it?) on the moves.

  • Holy hell Batman this workout was intense. I did not burn as many calories as yesterday (because I am pretty sure my body was in shock doing Speed 1.0) but it was still a great workout. It works the legs, arms and core. TOTAL BODY right?!

  • It was also Body Beast: Bulk: Arms day so I did that afterwards. During Focus T25 I was thinking, 'Oh yeah, this is a GREAT WARMUP to arm day.’ No.

  • I burned 384 calories doing Focus T25 for 32 minutes and 382 calories doing Body Beast for 38 minutes.

  • If you remember to keep your core tight, butt to the ground, and try your best this is a fantastic workout for everyone. I had to take a few breaths/breaks for my arms - do not feel bad if you do too.

  • There are no breaks/water breaks (like the last two workouts) so you either need to take your own, have a hose sprayed in your face (I am working on this), or wait until the end.

  • This is my favorite photo of the day. My mother took these photos since I did my workout early in the morning (while my daughter was asleep for obvious reasons) and the hubby was sleeping/went to work. Thanks mom! These were taken later in the day (thus the makeup, lack of sweat, but lack of hair straightening due to my arms feeling like jello).

Happy Total Body Circuit-ing!



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