INSANITY: Pure Cardio
Today is Day 5 of INSANITY (Shaun T’s Birthday Challenge) and Pure Cardio was on the schedule.

It is more like pure oh my goowowooaowowod. I would compare this workout to almost 30 minutes of nonstop running. Or maybe Shanita’s getting fired - just kidding!

Length: 38 minutes
Equipment: none (unless you count stamina)
Warm Up:
The warm up is the typical ~10 minutes like the other cardio workouts including the Heisman and Mummy Kicks. My goal is always to burn around 100 calories and I achieved it!

Then, you get a water break. This is good since I have started drooling sweat like always and salty sweat as hydration is not ideal. Shaun T leads you through the typical stretches and says things like the following (this workout is great for Shaun T quotes):
‘I hope you’re sweating like me right now!’ I am.
'Is anyone as nervous as me about what is about to come up?’ Yes.
'I’m talkin’ spit.’ I think my face is spitting.
THEN, after the stretch you get ONE MORE water break and you get to see Tonya on the sidelines wiping her face and she says:
'My hair’s already wet’. I don’t know why - but I love this moment. PUT YOUR HAIR UP FITNESS GIRL.
After the warm up and stretch, Shaun T starts 15:11 minutes of drills which are a minute each.
Not circuits, drills. Non-stop moving. It’s on.
The moves include:
Switch Kicks: Which is more like 'watch how many people are failing at the form or already tired’. Shaun T says - 'don’t compromise form’. Okay, okay, got it.
Wide Football Sprints

Stance Jacks: I try to touch my opposing foot when I go down to touch the ground. WORKIN’ the ABS babbbbby!
Pedal: You sprint and then lunge on each leg. Shaun T eventually goes over to Alisha (a mom of twins) and asks how old she is - smiling, she replies '40’. Wellllllll then. :) If she can do it, I can too - I get it.
Shaun T says:
'Shaun T is tired right now’. Third person - so him. Me too Shaun. Bethany tired.

Hooks and Jump Rope: 8 hooks and then 4 high jumps/fake double jumps. At this point random people are taking water drinks and I’m excited to be doing some punching. Yessssss.
Power Jacks: I will admit - this is where I take a break and hang onto my knees (as do several people). My power is dwindling.
Level 2 Drills: Meh! Push-ups! You do 8 push-ups into 8 floor sprints and then you jump up. By this time, I am basically dying.

Frog Jumps: These look like random flail jumps. Eventually Shaun T hollers: 'Wooooooooo. Ahhhhhhhh.’ Yeah, he’s tired.
Power Knees: Shaun T’s shirt comes off at this time. I think we are all okay with this.

Mountain Climbers: Shaun T walks over to Shanita (pictured below) and asks how she is feeling. She answers that she wants to leave. Shaun’s reply? 'You wanna leave?! Go take a break. Sit down.’
One of the best quotes comes next:
'I’m not trying to hurt you. Just trying to make you better’. (Evil glare from Shanita on the sidelines).

Ski Down: At this point I just hope my body is jumping and I know my arms are swinging because I see some kind of objects flinging next to me.
Scissor Legs: Shaun T calls these 'sc.. sc… I don’t even know what this move is called… SWITCH FEET’. Then, you see the cue card holder reach a little higher and Shaun T says, 'SCISSOR LEGS!’. :) Quite a funny moment. I would not be able to get words out either during this workout. I think I did manage to growl once.

Suicide Jumps: These are basically burpees and rightfully named.

Push-up jacks: Hell of a way to end it. You cannot put your knees down and do the 'girly’ push-ups here so there are a few times I went into child’s pose/crying in a ball.

At the end of all the drills, Shaun T says one of his most famous quotes:
'That shit is bananas, yo’. Well said, Shaun T, I agree.

Cool Down:
First, you lay on the ground for a few seconds and try to figure out what just happened. Then, you do the regular cool down stretches/sweat your butt off. Shaun quotes? Of course:
'Sometimes, being a fitness professional I wonder why I do what I do….cuz I wanna look good!’ Me too Shaun T, me too.
'I wish I could put my hip all the way into the floor’. (While doing hip flexor stretches). I tried, things got weird.
I burned around 385 calories and you can see the details on Garmin Connect. Not too shabby for a 38 minute cardio workout. :)

Since it was such a nice day (near 80 degrees), we all went to the park -including the hubby which was nice so I could run around the trail! You can see the details at Garmin Connect (352 calories).
I was shooting for 3.1 miles (not fast) but my daughter spotted me at the end and I heard her yell 'mama’, get excited, and start running towards me. :) I had to stop - you would too.

Here we are at the park sportin’ our pink Nike shoes! :)

To continue this week’s trend, I kept track of my food. It is not a work day, therefore, it ends around 10/11pm.
9:30am Breakfast: Same as usual!
8 egg whites w/ season all + a sprinkle mixed cheese (the first batch I ended up dumping the season all from the spoon side instead of the sprinkle side - fail)
Thin whole wheat bagel with almond butter
12pm Lunch:
1 Jennie-O extra-lean turkey burger on wheat 80 cal bun with a tomato slice, low fat provolone, and mustard
1C Strawberries and mangos (needed to use it up)
1Tbs of sugar-free Cool Whip

3pm Snack:
Half a banana (daughter dropped the half I was trying to share)
6pm Post-Run:
ISOPURE 1 scoop w/ water (25G of protein)
7pm Dinner (the hubby grilled):
Half of the chicken pictured below, asparagus, ¼ cup chopped sweet potatoes

I maaaaaay or may not have a fruit 25 calorie popsicle in a little while.
I just took some Advil because my legs are sore (and other random parts of my body) and I am going to crawl into bed (after this KU game).
Tomorrow is Plyometric Cardio Circuit, which I reviewed on Day 1 so it will not be as detailed. :)
I want to mention - I am proud of Shaun T and all the work he is putting into his social media websites. He is proving his passion and support by giving updates and videos. Here you go (in case you missed it a few days ago):
Shaun T on Twitter @shauntfitness
…and on Facebook at shauntfitness
…and on YouTube
I hope you had a great Friday!