INSANITY: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Happy Tuesday!
INSANITY Plyometric Cardio Circuit was on the schedule for today (Day 2) so I woke up early enough (around 7:40am) to complete it and shower before my daughter woke up.
Length: 40 minutes
Equipment: none
I have to admit, it was weird not putting on my lifting gloves, laying out dumbbells, a ladder, a jump rope, or a yoga mat. I, of course, put on my FR and heart rate monitor.
Shaun T spends the first 10-15 minutes ‘warming up’. I like to call this the - ’you’re either in or you’re out of the game’ time. It is three non-stop rounds of about four minutes (each round) of cardio moves. Some of these moves include running in place, jumping jacks (have not done those in awhile), high knees, and mummy kicks.
As I was doing it, I thought to myself - ’oh yeah, now I remember’. I also remember always trying to at least burn 100 calories during the warm-up. What workout DOES THAT? This one. My FR beeps every 100 calories I burn and it beeped slightly before the warm-up was completed.
Also a success - not stopping/taking a break during the warm-up (which most who are just starting tend to do) and not laying on the ground in utter disbelief at what just happened at the end (which I did my first time doing INSANITY).
After the warm-up, he spends 6.5 minutes stretching (this is a long time - almost three times as long when you compare it to Asylum 1 or 2) to, as he says, 'prevent injury’. This is the time when your (at least mine) body realizes what just happened and starts pouring sweat as you are doing stretches and your heart rate is coming down from Mars.
(I was trying to take notes using my iPhone during this whole workout and sweat kept dripping onto it make it difficult/unresponsive. INSANITY-proof iPhone fail).
Side bar: I did find it easier to hold the 'flat back’ stretches (I remember shaking/it being hard to do when I did my first round of INSANITY) and I know it is because of the Asylum and, possibly, COMBAT round(s) I have done!
After the stretching, Shaun T goes into the circuit training. Some people call this the 'start of the work out’ and I call them crazy. I just burnt over 100 calories warming up and am sweating out of my eyeballs - this monster started when I pressed play.
A circuit is about 3.5 minutes and contains about 30 seconds of each move and is repeated three times. Since I know he gives a break after 3.5 minutes (and, of course, the elapsed/remaining time is at the bottom of the screen), I can mentally convince myself to push hard during each time.
A few of these moves include suicide drills, power squats, mountain climbers, ski abs, and in-and-outs. At one point, I hit the canned light in my basement/workout room doing basketball jumps. Woopsies. Let’s just say I laughed and moved over slightly. :)
One of my favorite Shaun T quotes:
While doing ski downs- 'Don’t twist… this is.. no’.
Here are my ski abs:
There are two circuits in this workout with a couple minutes of extra moves between and at the end (such as the football sprints and the cross jacks pictured below).
Yes, that’s right, just when you feel like you wanna die (after completing two full circuits) he ends the game with jabs, cross jacks, upper cuts, and attacks (punches).
He says several times to 'take a break when you need it’ as does the screen (reminders flash periodically) but I hold out until the circuit is over and he gives 30 seconds for a water break. I used to reflect upon INSANITY and think he gave too many 'water breaks’, however, I was taking notes on my iPhone to write on here and was trying to guzzle water. Therefore, I do not think these are so excessive anymore. :) I was pretty much throwing water at my face and jumping back into it. Picture that. It happened.
As you graduate into Asylum he just expects you to know when your body needs a drink and to get it done and get back in the game. You’ll catch up.
Here are some of my moves:
Cool Down:
There is about 3.5 minutes of 'cool down’ in which you stretch and sweat your butt off. Shaun T says, 'never skip the stretch’ and I agree. I burnt a really good amount of calories (437 - pictured below) in about 40-45 minutes. You can see the details at Garmin Connect.
In my notes it reads:
'Hair tie fail’.
I am pretty sure I meant my hair tie was too loose/stretched out and my hair was flying whacko all over the place (and I even use bobby pins). Note to self: buy new ponytail holders.
Final Thoughts:
This is a fantastic and quick (40 minutes is quick in my opinion) cardio workout to burn calories.
I love Shaun T all over again. <3
While most people compete with Tonya (you will know who she is after doing the first few workouts) I find myself competing with the other girl - I think her name is Marlayna (I have tried finding the cast list but failed) because she has ripped abs - she’s on the cover of this workout disc!
The muscle/nerve behind my left knee (may be the Popliteal Muscle and I circled it in blue) hurts like the dickens and it may be a culmination of running, yesterday’s huge workout and today.
Pretty soon I’m going to start a 'let’s learn a new muscle of the day/week’ according to my soreness/complaining. No, I’m kidding….I’m already doing that. :)
Since some of you have asked what I eat (in a day) and INSANITY/working out makes me extremely hungry, I am going to share today with you!
* Keep in mind that my work night does not end until around midnight and I usually eat to fuel my body and when feeding my daughter: 9:45am Breakfast:
6-8 egg whites-ish (I forgot to measure) w/ season all + a sprinkle mixed cheese
Thin whole wheat bagel with almond butter
12pm Lunch:
1 Jennie-O extra-lean turkey burger on wheat 80 cal bun with a tomato slice, pineapple slice and mustard
Penne wheat pasta mixed with a few slices of turkey dog, dash of olive oil and sprinkle of cheese (made for my daughter).
3:30 Snack:
Mozzarella string cheese
4:45pm Snack:
½ bottle Vitamin Water Zero
7pm Snack (a couple hours later):
Handful of almonds
7:45pm Dinner (ate this too fast to remember to take a photo):
1 Morning star Chik'n Veggie Patty on 80 cal wheat bun, tomato slice, pineapple slice, and one slice reduced fat provolone cheese
1/3C left over penne pasta from lunch
1/2C strawberries, 3 cubes frozen mango pieces, with 2Tbs sugar free cool whip
The rest of the Vitamin Water Zero and water
10pm Snack:
1 Golden Delicious apple
*I dropped the ball on veggies today aside from the tomato. I will probably go to sleep around 1am.*
Look what came today! My new running shoooooz.
Then, I realized, they look a lot like my daughter’s!
I hope this review helps those who are interested and I will keep you posted as I complete the DVDs!
Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @BethanyBusche ! You will not only get updates to when I post entries here, but you will be subjected to my witty sarcasm. ;)