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INSANITY: Max Recovery

Today is day 39 of INSANITY and Max Recovery was on the schedule. I got up before my alarm (whaaaaaat) around 6:45am. At first I was like, ‘Hey! Recovery! Yay!’ Then I was like, 'This is not a recovery - this is a slow-stretch-and-sweat your butt off workout’.

To keep you posted on my schedule:

Whomever named this 'recovery’ should have named it something like 'stretch’ or 'plie hell’.

For the record, this workout does not seem to be reviewed very much (online) because either:

  • Most people skip this workout or find it less important (and should not)

  • They find this one hard to review (which you will notice)

  • Length: 47 minutes

  • Equipment: yoga mat (optional)

So it starts like this:

'Really pay attention. You need this exercise’.

Which makes you think it’ll be a good time.

Except, here is my Twitter post at the end:


This is seven minutes of stretches instead of 3 rounds of circus insane cardio. 'This is a nice change’ - thinks my humane brain. 'This is not burning the calories I would prefer’ - thinks my insane brain.

  • Flat Back to Rounded Back - You do this with your legs shoulder width apart. Then, you do some while lunging to the sides. You basically hear Shaun T say, 'contract, relax, contract, relax, contract, relax’ for awhile.

  • Hip Flexor Stretches - As you are slowly speeding up with these 'contract and relax’ moves, you move to the hip flexor/lunge and do the same thing. This includes the arms in the air and you do each side (two legs - you know, it’s necessary) a few times.

Workout 1

This is 14 minutes of deep muscle stretching and you do a lot of contracting and relaxing. Shaun T does A LOT of talking during this which is impressive and… different.

  • Flat Back Stretch - You do this four times.

  • Plank - You do some contracting and relaxing.

  • Plank With Knee to Chest - Alternating knees.

  • 4 Count Tricep Push-ups - These are slower than usual and work the muscles well. Oooooooooouch. THEY ARE REALLY SLOW. You do this several times alternating the knee to chest move.

  • Child’s Pose - THIS IS NICE.

  • Downward Dog - This is nice too.

  • into Plank into Runner’s Lunge

  • into Standing Lunge/Butt Lifts - This is done 12 times. It is almost like you are reaching out in front of you with your leg going backwards.

  • Runner’s Hip Flexor Stretch (on the left side) - This is a yoga warrior’s move. Your elbow is pushing your leg open (the hip flexor) while the other arm is behind your back.

  • Modified Hip Flexor with Arms Up/Down (left side) - The arm falls to the ground (pushing the knee back) and the opposite goes up to the sky.

  • back into Runner’s Lunge

  • and then into Standing Lunge/Butt Lifts (other side) - This is done 12 times.

  • Runner’s Hip Flexor Stretch (right side)

  • Modified Runner’s Hip Flexor Stretch (right side)


'Keep breathing. Core tight’.

'Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.’

'You’re probably sweatin’ a little bit. It’s all good’.

Yes, I have begun to sweat. Um, no actually, I was sweating during the push-ups.

Workout 2

This is 6 minutes of plank work where you really really start to feel it. My arms were on fire from these push-ups.

'You really, really have to pay attention’.

  • One Arm Balance Holds - This is a fancy pancy yoga move. You have one arm on the ground and the other in the air and are facing the side of the room. Your feet are stacked. Do not drop the hips and keep the core tight.

  • Plank into 2 push-ups

  • One Arm Balance (on the other side)

  • Plank into 2 push-ups

  • One Arm Balance (other side)

  • Plank into 4 push-ups

  • One Arm Balance (the other side)

  • Plank into 4 push-ups - OMG do these ever end?

  • One Arm Balance (other side)

  • Plank into 8 push-ups

  • One Arm Balance (other side)

  • Plank into 8 push-ups

  • Child’s Pose

Water Break. That was exhausting.

  • Low Plank Knee to Shoulder 4 times - Working the obliques, glutes squeezed and core contracted.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank Knee to Shoulder 8 times

  • Child’s Pose

'The next set is going to be the hardest one’.

  • Low Plank Knee to Shoulder 16 times - Holy coooooow.

  • Child’s Pose - You take 4 deep breaths (don’t worry, Shaun talks you through this one)! :)

  • Downward Dog - Open Up Feet - Walk Hands to Legs

Workout 3

This is six minutes of leg work to strengthen the quads in the plie stance. The hard thing about this workout is that you never straighten out of the plie.

'We’re gonna’ open up the hips and strengthen the quadriceps at the same time’.

'Don’t open up so far that your form is bad’.

  • Plie Pulse - Feet turned out, hips open, and arms straight out to the side. You pulse 4 times (bend your knees and straighten back up).

  • Palm to Floor (right hand) and other arm into the air

  • Plie Pulse - 4 times.

  • Palm to Floor (other side) and other arm into the air

  • Plie Pulse - 8 times.

  • Palm to Floor

  • Plie Pulse - 8 times

  • Palm to Floor

'Here we go! Using your core to come up’.

  • Plie Pulse - 16 times.

  • Palm to Floor

  • Plie Pulse - 16 times.

  • Palm to Floor

  • Plie Pulse - Right heel off ground - 8 times.

  • Palm to Floor - heel off ground

'See that shaking Shaking’s good’.

  • Plie Pulse - Left heel off ground - 8 times.

  • Palm to Floor - heel off ground

  • Plie Pulse - Right heel off ground - 16 times.

  • Palm to floor - heel off ground.

  • Plie Pulse - Left heel off ground - 16 times.

  • Palm to floor - heel off ground.

  • Plie Pule - BOTH heels off ground - 8 times.

  • Palm to Floor - BOTH heels off ground.

  • Plie Pulse - BOTH heels off ground - 16 times.

  • Palm to Floor - BOTH heels off ground - WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO MY LEGS?!

'Shake it out!’

I’m shaking it out!! My legs want to crumble. However, Shaun T moves directly into the next workout. These build the calves, quads, work the shoulders, and abs. I am no ballet dancer but I felt like one.

Workout 4

This is 6 minutes of evil plank work.

  • High Plank into Low Plank - You straighten one arm, and then the other arm. Then, you lower onto your elbow for one side and then the other side. Right side leads. You do this 4 times.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank into High Plank - Right side leads. 8 times.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank into High Plank - Right side leads. 16 times.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank into High Plank - Left side leads. 16 times.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank into High Plank - Left side leads. 8 times.

  • Child’s Pose

  • Low Plank into High Plank - Left side leads. 4 times.

  • Child’s Pose

'I’m glad to tell you that’s our last exercise on the floor’.

ME TOO SHAUN! At this point I want to kick the mat and put it in its place.

  • Downward Dog

Workout 5

This is 4 and a half minutes working the standing abs. Also known as oblique work (in my opinion).

  • Left hand on hip - right arm in air - elbow to knee. 16 times.

  • Right hand on hip - left arm in air - elbow to knee. 16 times.

  • Switch sides - 8 times.

  • Switch sides - 8 times.

  • Switch sides - 4 times.

  • Switch sides - 4 times.

  • Switch sides - 2 times.

  • Switch sides - 2 times.

Water break. Well that was not evil, but it was a good balance test. I may OR may not have fallen over once.

Last Exercise

The hammer. Feet together, arms in the air, heels flexed. Arms come down to meet the straight leg.

  • Hammer - 16 times. Arms in the air - right leg meets the arms and abs contract.

  • Hammer Other Side - 16 times.

  • Hammer - 8 times.

  • Hammer Other Side - 8 times.

  • Hammer - 4 times.

  • Hammer Other Side - 4 times.

  • Hammer - 2 times.

  • Hammer Other Side - 2 times.

Then, there’s a sigh of relief among the hammering people.


This is 2 and a half minutes of stretching. This includes inhales and exhales, hip openers, leg and quad stretches.

Final Thoughts

  • My note on the board ended up being 'JUST DO DID IT!!’ With a side note 'You have a 5K in 2 days’ to remind myself not to do another workout and exhaust my body (I would have run any other day).

  • I burnt 302 calories in 49 minutes which is pretty good for a stretch 'recovery’ workout.

  • About 8 minutes into the workout, I realized this was no 'recovery’ and my muscles were going to feel this later.

  • Do not skip this workout. While it is not intense cardio, it works the large muscle groups which need to be stretched, lunged, and built.

  • I contemplated switching this workout with tomorrow’s in spite of the 5K Saturday, however, I stayed on track for the review and, considering this workout was no 'recovery’, I am glad I did.



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