Focus T25: Core Speed
Focus T25: Core Speed is the ‘bonus workout’ you get for ordering 'through your coach’ from Team Beachbody. It is not in the calendar anywhere, so I recommend tackling this one when you need some cardio and when you want to give your core some work.
I decided to do it today since it was 'Rest Day’ on the Focus T25 calendar and I wanted to get the review out there for you!
So… here. we. go!

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T kablam intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really about 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: 'Nada’ (you better tap into your counting/dancing ability and take a deep breath)
The music is hilariously awesome in this workout and Shaun T does his amazing talking/singing in tempo. Tonia is the modifier here, again, so if you need to modify the moves watch the gal on the right. :)
Forewarning: this workout is fast, has a lot of moves, requires you to be semi-coordinated and is awesome cardio. Be prepared for your heart rate to be up in the clouds. I am giving you photos of myself doing some of the moves and what was on the screen. They’re random - I apologize but hopefully it helps you! If you want the condensed version - scroll down to the Final Thoughts.
*Round 1 consists of 3 levels, round 2 is also 3 levels, and then you 'take it from the top’ twice. AND THEN, you fall over in shock.*
Round 1 / Level 1
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab

1-2-3 clap

“L” squat
Up + over

'Push. Live. Breath. Exhale.’
Zigzag hop
'Come on, you’re an athlete, so make this work. Keep the good form’.
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross - This is EXTREMELY fast and I had a hard time crossing as fast as they did!

21:00 minute marker: Round 1 / Level 2
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap

“L” squat
Up + over
Zipzag hop
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross
18:28 minute marker: Round 1 / Level 3
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap
“L” squat
'Focus on your planting of the feet. Chest up, butt back… knee… up and over…’

Up + over
Zipzag hop
Squat hop + crisscross

Burpee + crisscross
17:13 minute marker: Round 2 / Level 1
Hop up + back + jab out

Squat thrust + hook knee

Single arm burpee - OMGGGGGGGGGG!

Crisscross + half-tuck jump - this eventually turned into move my legs and jump.

Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut
180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee

13:02 minute marker: Round 2 / Level 2
Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half-tuck jump
Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut

180 degrees squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee
10:32 minute marker: Round 2 / Level 3
Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half - tuck jump

Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut
180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee

I realized that I have not been watching the 'clock’ during this workout (like the others). This is probably because there are so many moves and you are moving so fast - there’s no time.
9:18 minute marker: Jog recovery
'Now breathe for a second. Keep jogging. Look - here’s your work - we’re going all the way from the top.’
Basically, you’re about to go 'balls out’. I am sweating my butt off.
'Let me fix myself up because I gotta be ready to go’.

8:50 minute marker: From top / Level 1
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap
“L” squat
Up + over

Zigzag hop
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross
Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half-tuck jump
Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut

180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee
6:21 minute marker: From top
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap
“L” squat

Up + over
Zigzag hop
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross
Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half-tuck jump
Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut
180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee
3:51 minute marker: Jog recovery

3:33 minute marker: From top / Level 2
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap
“L” squat
Up + over
Zigzag squat
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross
Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half-tuck jump
Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut
180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee
2:18 minute marker : Jog recovery

'We’re gonna do this one more time. We’re gonna get in it. I just ask for your undivided attention. Your undivided focus. It’s written all over the walls here.’
2:00 minute marker: From top
Quick feet up + back
Moving quick jab
1-2-3 clap
“L” squat
Up + over
Zigzag hop
Squat hop + crisscross
Burpee + crisscross

Hop up + back + jab out
Squat thrust + hook knee
Single arm burpee
Crisscross + half-tuck jump
Quick jab combo
Side hop uppercut
180 degrees hop squat + in + out
2 + 2 power knee
00:45 minute marker: Jog recovery

'This is core speed. So you use.Your. Core.’
00:23 minute marker
Jab it out
AND FINALLY, this happens:
Everyone high fives and fake-falls over. I laughed uncontrollable about what just happened.
Cool down/Active stretching (2:25 minutes)
Alternating knee lifts
Alternating knee holds
Quad stretches
Prayer stretch

Hands to knees - round release
Hands to floor - roll up slowly

Pick up toddler…
Final Thoughts:
Well that was insane. What just happened? I think I became a choreographed dancer and sweat from head to toe. My heart rate was extremely high during this whole thing and, apparently, it got used to the 'dance’ towards the middle since it averaged out and came down from INSANE. Although, I may have been so sweaty it probably lost me a few times somewhere in there (even though there are no drastic drops).

There is no time for water nor time to fix your hair. My hair was in my mouth, my eye balls, not in the pony tail holder, in the next room.. I don’t know.
If you did not like burpees before - you sure are not going to like them now! They go so fast in this workout you have to work really hard to keep up. I would not feel too bad if you went at your pace for awhile. :)
Scott (Shaun’s hubby) is in this video like all the other ones and he has awesome tempo/dancing ability.
I did Body Beast: Bulk: Chest beforehand and burned around 280 calories (see my new sign/addition to my workout room on the left) and burned 360+ calories doing this workout (my heart rate was still high so I was burning for a few hours after).
This thing should just be called 'SPEED SWEAT’.
I felt like this at the end of the workout (plus more sweat, less smile, and insane hair).

For the record - this is how the “L” squat photo ended:
Good luck. Enjoy it - dance your toosh off - sweat like crazy.