Focus T25: Beta Upper Focus
Today I did Focus T25: Beta UPPER FOCUS (which would be day 40 on the Focus calendar).
I decided this was a good day to work my upper body since I did not have a Body Beast workout on this day and it was two days before my 5K. If you are following my hybrid - you may also be doing Dynamic Core with this one!

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial, Shaun T weight lifting intro at the beginning and cool down at the end then it is really 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: Dumbbells or Resistance Bands + miniMAT (optional)
When I saw Shaun T in pants for the first time I was perplexed. I reminded myself that this was ‘upper focus’ but still, pants get in my way. He does wear some cool neon green shoes.
Tonia is the modifier like always - follow her for low impact moves! Hey hey! Girls in the front.
Split lunge agility
Low switch kick
Double switch kick

High switch kick

Static uppercut - FLEX the biceps!

Jack uppercut
21:45 minute marker:
Plank hold
Starter drill + burpee

Basic push-up - I did a few on my knees.
Starter drill + push-up - ERMAGERDNESS!!

Chest opener
Chest opener + jump

Welp, my upper body is burning.
18:43 minute marker:
Shoulder press - You will see that I used 12lb dumbbells for this workout.

Arnold press

Alternating front raise
Dual side raise - 'Keep goin’ cuz I’m about to burn you out!’ Heavvvvvvy.

Shaun tells you not to throw the weights - as I am throwing them down to the side. :-/ Trying to keep up here Shaun but he had a good point.
Sprint + jab punch - get that HR up!

15:45 minute marker:
Single arm fly (L) - Well this takes a lot of control.
Single arm fly (R)

Dual am fly - I felt like I should be doing this on a ball like in Body Beast.

Dual arm fly + “V” leg hold

Straight arm double jack
Double jack + alternating toe tap
12:18 minute marker
Sumo alternating row
Sumo double row

Sumo hip thrust
Sumo upright row - Love seeing my deltoids during this! :)

Shuffle + heisman
Shuffle + heisman turn

9:15 minute marker:
90 degrees hold bicep curl (L)

90 degrees hold bicep curl (R)
Dual bicep curl - ALRIGHT, my biceps are burning.

Reciprocating bicep curl
Single arm jab (L) - do not move anything but your arm.
Single arm jab (R)

Bent knee hip-up

Bent knee tricep dip
Straight leg hip-up hold

Straight leg hip-up

Shuffle + half-tuck jump
3:05 minute marker:
Side plank up + over (L) - If you are tired, you just have to keep pushing yourself because these do not last forever.

Side plank up + over (R)
2:05 minute marker:
Alternating shoulder press
Alternating bicep curl
My daughter decided to bring me the lamp shade (that I removed for lighting). That’s helpful.

Basic push-up
Hip-up + “V” hold

Cool down/Active stretching (3:25 minutes):
Inhale arms up - interlock - stretch to sides
Arms to front - try to pull apart
Tricep stretch behind head
Arm circles
Interlock fingers - palm out

Arm across tricep stretch
Bicep stretch
Interlock fingers behind back - push knuckles to floor
How cute is she?

Neck stretches - This felt amazing and made me think I should go do some yoga.
Inhale arms out - exhale down
Final Thoughts:
Scott (the hubby) is in this video like always! He gets a really intense workout and he struggles through this one a bit.

I burned around 300 calories with this workout - which is not the highest for the Beta workouts but it worked my upper body well. You can click the photo for Garmin Connect (HR/calories) details.

As opposed to INSANITY’s lack of weights, this workout (and Rip’t Circuit) uses dumbbells/resistance band! I love that Shaun has integrated this into the program. I do not plan to stop lifting heavy (Body Beast) but I respect this workout as one for someone who should be doing resistance training and/or is just starting/beginner.
Remember to keep your core tight!
This one does not have a 'burnout’ which was exciting. ;) However, this one did not burn as many calories as I am used to with Shaun T so I had a hard time talking myself out of doing another cardio workout (I did not have the time and my body told me it needed to stop).
Happy Friday everyone!