Focus T25: Beta Rip't Circuit
Today I did Focus T25: Beta Rip’t Circuit for the first time! It would be considered day: 38 by the calendar (but I am doing it as part of my own Body Beast/T25 hybrid).
So here we go!

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial, Shaun T weight lifting intro at the beginning and cool down at the end then it is really 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: Dumbbells or Resistance Bands + miniMAT (optional)
When I first saw that dumbbells were involved I said something like ‘oooooh, heeey’. Then, I saw that aqua/green was the color theme (aside from Shaun in purple) and felt like I should change clothes and find some neon shoe strings.
Tonia, like always, is the modifier so follow her for low impact movements. Shaun T prefaces the workout:
'We’re workin’ on our cardio, upper body, lower body, and abs.’
I thought to myself - alright, I got this.
Slow control jog
Squat push-up

Palm-down squat thrust - 'you work through the floor’.

Alternating straight leg kick
Speed + Agility

I was realizing by this point that this workout may not be as insane as the other ones because it was a slower pace. Although, I had a feeling he was about to work larger muscles which raises my HR pretty high.
19:57 minute marker:
Reciprocating bicep curl - (Marlena has 5 pound dumbbells, Scott has 12 pound and the Andy uses the resistance band). I used 12 throughout this workout.

Deep lunge pulse (L)
Deep lunge pulse (R)

Alternating straight leg lift - 'If you can’t reach your toe you need to do that stretch video’. It is nice to know I can reach my toe.

Alternating speed knee fast - time to get your HR back up!
15:58 minute marker:
Arnold press

Weighted squat pulse

Dual heel tap

High switch kick

12:00 minute marker:
Single leg (L) lawnmower
Single leg (R) lawnmower - “Keep the fight, keep it ripped’.

Air plank + one leg burpee - 'your body is a board’. Blerg, burpees.

Hip-up "V” hold - while this is supposed to be an ab workouts it looks like a tricep workout too. ;)

High jump + twisting abs - HR raiser!

Single leg (R) tricep press

Single leg (L) tricep press
7:09 minute marker:
Deadlift + curl squat - since I did Bulk: Back right before this, my back was tiiiiiiiired.

Knee in + out tap down

Half-tuck jump - Shaun T wants you to 'nail this workout’. Basically, I was jumping and slapping my thighs. No, I wasn’t really jumping. I was slapping my thighs.

4-count wide push-up - I fell to my knees after one or two.

3:05 minute marker:
Weighted moving squat - this lasted a few seconds longer than I would have liked. HA!

4-count dual leg lift

5-count power abs (c-sit, butterfly one leg in, switch legs, reverse crunch, “v” sit) WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!
Then, YES, this finally happens!

Cool down/Active stretching (3:15 minutes):
Inhale/Exhale - hands interlocked

Quad stretches

Hands interlocked overhead side stretch
Flat back - fingertips to floor - palms to floor - roll up slowly
Final Thoughts:
The two in the back are from Asylum, I am pretty dang sure. Marlena screams oftentimes. Scott and Tonia are in this video - like the rest of them. :)

When I previewed this workout I was thinking, 'man those are some light dumbbells they are using’. While I was doing the workout, I realized how slow and controlled the moves are - thus, the reason for lighter weights!
There is no 'burnout’ in this workout but you work your legs, arms, and core pretty good! I make sure that I make the best of each move and tighten my muscles whenever I can (i.e.: abs).
By the time I stopped my FR, I had burned over 400 calories (my HR was high at the end of this workout).

As reported in a previous review, Focus T25 has some quick footwork and I am ripping up the carpet in my basement/workout room! I had to cut the little threads that were sticking out. The hubby asked if we are going to have to re-carpet the basement. I said - 'maybe, but I am going to pull it out one strand at a time first’.
Beforehand, I did Body Beast Bulk: Back which was probably not THE BEST idea but I am testing my hybrid calendar this week. I lift heavy so my back had just been put through the ringer (including the back of my abs).

Here is one of my favorite photos from the shoot for this review:

Now that I have done this workout, I consider it an all-over total body workout. It burns a good amount of calories because of the lunging, weight lifting, and quick bursts of cardio. However, you do not sweat-dance yourself into a land of 'what just happened’?!