Body Beast: Tempo: Back/Bis
Since I have not done Body Beast: Tempo: Back/Bis yet, I replaced today’s scheduled Build: Back/Bis with this one!

Length: 48:25 minutes
Equipment needed: Bench/stability ball, chin-up bar, curl bar, weights
Sagi does his pre-workout pep talk and says something like,
‘We’re gonna go back to the roots of counting! We’re gonna get your back, your lats, your biceps… so fast so big - you will be in shock because you will learn how to count slow, fast, negative, positive eccentric……’
Or something.
This is 2 minutes of jogging, arm circles, walking into a plank, deadlift (light weights), bend-over rows, reverse flyes, and jogging again. It should seem familiar if you have done Body Beast before.

Round 1: 15 reps (6 seconds down, 6 seconds up)
Round 2: 12 reps: increase weight (6 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
Round 3: 8 reps: increase weight (3 seconds down, 3 seconds up)

Sagi quotes:
'Stay focused buddy. I wanna hear it. Sing it to da Beast!’
'Let’s get Beasty guys Are you ready to go places?’

Holy moly that is a lot of pull-overs.
Wide Plank In & Out:
Round 1: 10 reps

This reminded me of in 'in and out’ move from INSANITY. I became a bridge during photos again. :)
Round 1: 10 reps (6 seconds up, 6 seconds down)
Round 2: 10 reps (3 seconds up, 6 seconds down)
Round 3: 8 reps (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down)
'Thank you - you’re so sweet. Barbie - he’s so sweet!’ (He helped Beast clean up his weights).
'Where you goin’ Brian?’ He answers: Goin’ to the moon baby. ’Got the best answers this guy… shoot for the stars land on the moon’.

These sucked originally. I could only do about half a 'real’ pull-up. However, now I can do about 6 or 7.

My 'chin-up assistant’ is called a chair.

After awhile, your hands start to cramp/hurt. During the actual exercise, I even wore gloves.
Hanging Circle:
Round 1: 10 reps

Your feet should be crossed (he does so later) and I basically just wanted to hang there. I, too, failed to cross my legs in these photos.

Reverse Bent-Over Row:
Round 1: 15 reps (6 seconds up, 6 seconds down)
Round 2: 12 reps: increase weight (3 seconds up, 6 seconds down)
Round 3: 8 reps: increase weight (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down)
'You want huge lats? You want small waist? This is TEMPO BACK AND BIS!’
'Brian?’ He replies, I added 5 pounds on each side. ’That’s a girly amount. Mhmmmm.’

Lat Oblique Twist:
Round 1: 10 reps
'This is lots of fun. This is my favorite move. Whoop whoop!’

I like the train 'choo choo’ sounds he makes. I used a 15lb dumbbell and it was slightly too heavy to keep up in the air. :)
Preacher Curl:
Round 1: 15 reps (6 seconds down, 6 seconds up): switch arms
Round 2: 12 reps: increase weight (6 seconds down, 3 seconds up): switch arms
Round 3: 8 reps: increase weight (3 seconds down, 3 seconds up): switch arms

'Do you hear that?! Do you hear that?! That’s the noise of his biceps getting HUGE!!’
'You know what? I’m gonna call your momma and say thank you because his son’s givin’ me everything he’s got’.
'Barbie and Pretty Boy with The Beast. I love it.’
'Whoop whoop right. Ya damn right!’

Well this takes foooooooorever. Talk about watching your bicep and counting. If your veins aren’t popping you’re doing something wrong. :) I feel like one of those guys that spends his whole hour in the gym curling. Although, I think I underestimated the weight during the workout and should have started heavier.
Hanging Curl:
Round 1: 10 reps
I hope you rested enough before this because my arms were crying.

All-Angle Bicep:
Round 1: 15 reps: wide underhand grip (6 seconds up, 6 seconds down)
Round 2: 12 reps: close-grip (6 seconds up, 3 seconds down)
Round 3: 8 reps: overhand-grip (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down)
'Oh my god. Are you ready? Tears and sweat. That’s how you get huge arms.’
'It’s burning. It’s hurting. But no cheating.’

Speed Mountain Climber:
Round 1: 30 seconds

Cool down:
This is 1:30 minutes of stretching your arms to the sides, using the bench/ball to stretch your lats, make fun of each other, and an arm crossed extension to stretch the shoulders.

Final Thoughts:
The music is a hard rock that reminds me of The Underworld soundtrack. Towards the end it reminds me of Rocky. It made me giggle.
You are going to need some gloves because the pull-ups are slow and even Brian kept slipping off the bar.
I burned about 350 calories during this 50 minute workout. I followed it up with Focus T25 Speed 1.0 and burned another 350.

If you cannot tell - that chalkboard reads 'Do Speed 1.0 NOT Total Body’. That’s a self-note reminding me not to do the Focus T25 that destroys my arms because I just worked my arms. I will do that tomorrow.

This is a long workout and my arms were shaking after the pull-ups. I think I like doing Bulk: Back and Bulk: Arms better. If you like pull-ups you will like this workout.
My daughter was my spotter during the photo sesh’. :)
