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Body Beast: Bulk: Arms

Around 4am I woke up, moved my leg, and got a Charlie Horse. You know - the type of excruciating pain that lasts for what seems like forever and there is nothing you can do other than wait it out? I hate them and I would get them during pregnancy all the time. I am feeling it now - ugh, my calf is sore.

A few hours later my 7am alarm went off and it was time to do Body Beast: Bulk Arms (I basically fell to the ground after rolling out of bed, standing up, and feeling the pain in my leg)! LET’S DO THIS!

For the record: I tried to take my own photos afterwards but it did not go so well. Therefore, you will see less photos of me today (oh no!) and some from other workouts that used the same move. :) I will update this post with photos the next time I do the workout.

  • Length: 36 minutes

  • Equipment needed: Bench or stability ball (I choose the ball to work my core and because I do not have a bench), curl bar (optional) & weights.

Sagi’s pre-workout pep talk quote:

‘This isn’t the gun show. This is the cannon show. This is what’s gonna get everybody so pumped up even you will be impressed. Let’s get going. Let’s get started and get huuuuuuuge cannons!’


This is 2:25 minutes of jogging, arm circles, light weight bicep curls, tricep extensions, and jogging again.

Standing Curl:

  • Round 1: 15 reps

  • Round 2: increase weight: 12 reps

  • Round 3: increase weight: 8 reps

  • Round 4: heaviest weight: 8 reps

  • Round 5: decrease weight: 12 reps

  • Round 6: decrease weight: 15 reps

He says things like:

'I want these arms to get to The Canyon.’


You guys wanna get big? I wanna get some new clothes. Right there - so they gonna fit my arms.’

I will admit - my biceps are getting bigger! I may look tanner in that photo too - but do not let my self-photography wifi flash-fail fool you.

Triceps Extension:

  • Round 1 - hold one dumbbell with both hands - lower behind head: 15 reps

  • Round 2: increase weight: 12 reps

  • Round 3: increase weight: 8 reps

  • Drop set: decrease weight: 8 reps

What does he mean by this?!

'DROP SET. Remember that? Back in the days when you’re still goin’ to kindergarten. Now you’re in the next phase.’


I see a lot of talk here. Trashin talkin’. You know what? It’s time to show them what real work is all about.’

It’s not what’s next. It’s WHO’S next. And you’re next - to get guns like that.’

Wide EZ Bar Curl:

  • Stand up straight - palms forward - curl to shoulders: 5 reps: repeat for a total of 5 times.

'Train them right. Be nice. Be polite. They’ll love you forever. Thank you Nick!’ (Nick - the guy in the left photo - is cleaning up his weights).’

I took these from my Build: Back/Bis review, but it is the same move:


'Slow on the way… freakin’… down!’

'Asian Sensation is in the house! Look at that! Woooow! Is this all from this workout? Are you catchin’ this? (The camera actually nods).

'Don’t let it go! Hell no!’

See that vein?! It’s saying - wooo! HOLD IT!’

Skull Crusher:

  • Round 1: lay on bench/ball - hold bar above head - lower towards face - elbows in air: 15 reps

  • Round 2: increase weight: 12 reps

  • Round 3: increase weight: 8 reps

  • Drop set: decrease weight: 8 reps

I took this from my Tempo: Chest/Tris review, but it is the same move:

'That’s what separates the man from the boys. And you are - doin’ it - right now. Let’s get to work.’

I lifted too heavy at the end and almost smashed my face. Tony Horton would be mad.

Hammer Curl:

  • Round 1: sit on bench/ball - hold one dumbbell - rest elbow on inside of leg - curl towards chest: 15 reps

  • Round 2: increase weight: 12 reps

  • Round 3: increase weight: 8 reps

'Make sure you’re breathing. Don’t turn colors on me. I don’t wanna call the ambulance right John? Remember what happened last time?! Yeah I remember that! That was that day’.

I think I missed an inside joke/event.

Do it all again with the other arm.

  • Round 4: maximum weight: 8 reps

  • Round 5: decrease weight: 12 reps

  • Round 6: decrease weight: 15 reps

Do it again with other arm. This set takes forever but I really like the move since it forces you to focus on the bicep!

Tricep Kickback:

  • Round 1: 15 reps

  • Round 2: increase weight: 12 reps

  • Round 3: increase weight: 8 reps

Do the other arm!

  • Round 4: maximum weight: 8 reps

  • Round 5: decrease weight: 12 reps

  • Round 6: decrease weight: 15 reps

Do the other arm! I like when he tries to count backwards:

'AND 8…2, 3…’

This set takes awhile and your triceps will be crying at the end (if you lifted heavy enough). I lifted 8-12-15lbs.

Weighted Crunch:

  • Lay on bench/ball - weight behind head: 30 crunches

I have an 8lb dumbbell behind my head/neck in this photo. This is a horrible photo and I apologize. :)

Sagi calls these:

'Old school abs’.

He also peeks at Nick’s abs which I am just fine with.

Cool Down:

This is 1:20 of stretching your arms - above your head, out in front of you, and towards the floor. Your arms will thank you.

This is my favorite one:

Final Thoughts:

  • I burnt 231 calories during this workout which is not a lot but understandable since it was short and focused on the arms.

  • I like that this workout is not long but I miss burning calories (from INSANITY). I am still wrestling with spending time doing these workouts and losing time for cardio. I will find a balance soon.

  • I have also found that I look forward to the next time I do the workout so I can lift more. BRING IT ON BEAST! :)

  • I posted a photo of myself flexing a few days ago on the wall for my Body Beast 4 Women group on FB and posed a few questions. The main one was - do you think I need to drop fat around my muscle (arms) because I am looking bigger than I want/anticipated. One reply was - 'you can’t flex fat’. That hit me like a brick and I appreciated it. She had a good point. Thank you lady!

Later in the morning, my daughter and I ran to Target to get some bananas (and some Chobani Flips that were on sale, of course) so I could make my Banana Almond Muffins for a work potluck today (talk about planning ahead - right). They went like hotcakes! :) Or.. my desk mate ate all of them.

My daughter and I ate a couple today and I saved some since I made two dozen. :)

Apparently, my daughter really like Ciara’s My Goodies song because it came on my FITRADIO while we were driving and I turned around and she was dancing in her seat. I do not like this song but I had to join her.

I also tried a new tea (nonfat latte-style) from Starbucks today and it smelled and tasted like cat pea. This was a fail. Cat Pea Tea. :(

On that note - happy Tuesday everyone!



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