Focus T25: Alpha AB Intervals
When I first saw that this ab workout had its own day of ‘25 minutes’ I was skeptical. However, the first week is the only time it stands alone. Considering that my body is sore and worn out from the doubles of Focus T25 and Body Beast - I welcomed this one!
Let’s get to it! This is Focus T25: Alpha Ab Intervals.

Length: 25 minutes unless you count the Shakeology commercial and Shaun T kablam intro at the beginning and cool down at the end and it is really 30 minutes.
Equipment needed: ‘Beachbody miniMAT’ (aka: yoga mat)
My first thought: 'Aww he has a cute aqua shirt on. AND IT MATCHES THE MAT!?’ How cute is that? Then, I realized, I should get some awesome neon arm bands. :)
Child’s pose + plank

Down dog + plank

Down dog + spider lunge
Down dog + oblique knee

So far so good. I am starting to feel it.
23:00 minute marker
Low plank hold (L)

Side plank hold (L)
“V” sit + arms down

Side hip-up (L)
Low plank pulse (R)

Side plank hold (R)

“V” sit + arms up
Side hip-up (R)
20:35 minute marker
Alternating speed knee slow
Alternating straight leg lift

Same arm + same leg (R)
Same arm + same leg (L)

Both arms + both legs

17:50 minute marker
"T" shuffle (cardio)

I should be in one of Shaun T’s videos but I would cuss too much.
Scissor leg + heels up
Same side (R) + heels up

Same side (L) + heels up
Both sides + heels up
'And my hand is back - on the tummy right here - let me feel ya abs!’

14:50 minute marker
Hop hop squat (cardio)
'You are in my gym for 25 minutes a day. And when you’re with me you’re gonna work you’re gonna focus for those 25 minutes.’
Alternating heel tap slow
Dual heel tap slow

Dual straight leg lift

Alternating single leg “V” hold
11:46 minute marker
Sprint turn + squat center (cardio) - He even has you punch your stomach! :)

Alternating heel tap fast
'THIS IS A BOARD ON YOUR BODY. And you create that’.

Dual heel tap + 6-inch hold
Alternating single leg “V” hold
Alternating single leg “V” lift

8:50 minute marker
Speed knee kick (L) - cardio - this is not easy and I tried not to fall over the whole time
Speed knee kick (R)

I was all over the place with this one - trying not to fall over. :) I like when he moves over to Christina and says,
'You stop movin’ your arms, okay, I got somethin’ to show them at home’.

Lat pulldown

Straight arm fly

Looooove working the back of the core. Yes, I pretended to be a superhero.
5:47 minute marker
Lateral mountain climber (cardio)
Plank toe tap in + out
'Try as best you can to keep your butt out the air. It’s gonna go up there because you’re doing a crunch’.
Plank feet up + back

Up + back “V” up

Plank “V” up

2:48 minute marker
Sprint + table top

'You’re gonna shake, that’s okay’. I had balance issues - usually do. Got it though!
Wide in + out ab pyramid

00:46 minute marker
High knee jog
Slow control jog
Then, yes, this happens:
TIME! Look how excited these people are.

…and me.

Cool down (3:29 minutes)
Inhale arms up - exhale arms down
Back stretch with interlocked fingers

Roll down - flex quads

Hands behind back - roll up
Hip flexor stretches
Inhale arms up - exhale arms down
Swan dive to toes - roll up
Final Thoughts:
That was a heck of an ab workout. Compared to Body Beast’s ab workout - this has it beat by a long shot. Shaun T always does! :)
I burned 311 calories 'warming up’ with Body Beast Cardio and 285 doing Ab Intervals.

This workout is less cardio-intense than the previous three but is still great. My heart rate was kept higher than any other ab workout would have done. This one reminded me of ab classes at gyms - but slightly better. ;)
Remember to keep the core tight, chest up, and back straight!